Friday, January 31, 2014

West Philadelphia in the Snow

Outside, the Monsters wore people-masks that covered their faces,
they paid top-dollar for a quick December,
and brooded over their pensions.
When they weren't feeding,
The Monsters busied themselves with trifles 
and fantasy football.

One night,
A congregation of young philosophers assembled through the snow
smuggling snark and thrift - 
They descended the stairs
in pairs, and slunk to the door of the basement wearing
people-masks too, like you do.
A throng of aesthetes, dissidents, exuberants.

Inside, Fransisco kept cogless time on his jeans with spoons - 
There were Christmas lights that'd been hung in June, and 
all around
beards were endlessly unbearding beards.

"Hootin' Annie,"
as she was known in trendy people-places, writhed, her eyes
twisted to the ceiling, chin
to the ground, saying,

they'll try to sequester you away in taxicabs of comfort!

and a rowdy bottle launched itself over the crowd
becoming perfect as it shattered
on the basement wall.


Meanwhile the throng twitched like a rabid dream
waking Bach upstairs in his powdered curls, who
promptly joined the revelry with
his tropical drink and
his lisp.

In the corner
the son of a politician brandished glistening
teeth of crime, wore horrible pants, and rumor has it,
the whole bleeding shindig was a recruitment scheme
for the vicious charge he led against his own 401(k).


Monday, January 27, 2014


Everyone who heard the discharge, turned
deferentially to marvel at the technique of
the canon-gunner who fired once a generation.
“I wish to make a humble contribution,” one woman said to him
with a bold forefinger tap on the shoulder.
He turned
and his white beard wafted magniloquently catching the
languid sun in wisps. 
She lit the fuse artfully,
rounded the shaft and,
with the utmost conviction, sunk
her head nose-ward to the blast.


Friday, January 17, 2014

Squinting Suspiciously

I was watching time crawl roachlike,
Shuddering and stopping
As if some of its legs
Had already been plucked.

It still had the whole of infinity
To climb like a kitchen wall.
The very thought of it.
In all likelihood,
Causing these jitters,
These eentsy-weentsy doubts.

It must be the chill, I told myself.
Neither one of us can get warm
Even on a hot night like this.
O cruel Time, I need someone to throw
A blanket over you, and so do I.

-Charles Simic

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.
- Dorothy Parker

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why Go To College

So people will give you money,
Wear your degree ear-tagged
like shark-week

And promenade about a storefront like
a pet shop cat
'till others flock to your cause
thronging to the window displaying
rodent sacrifices over the transom dripping
from their tiny mouths

In case of adoption, piss
on Master's couch and
blame it on the minority.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia: a co-poem a la Lu Marie

I haunted the steps of St. Francis of Insects,
now meditating on a rock, brown in the sun,
in hopes of mercying
myself to health.

Across an old train bridge,
Up through the woods,
tucking scrubby oaks and pines.

The river is wide below,
and from here you can see
slabs of rock sunk copper-green,
'neath tubers, tiny from here.

Cicada hum,
Distant highway, and the wind-tree rustle
Here we are, out in the world
Let it ever be anew,

San Francesco d'Insetti, you are standing on your rock now,
Looking rivers, accompanied by broccoli-thick trees.

I’ve been thinking about solitude,
in a deep-water way
and about maybe even writing
when the gong-sun hits,
and there you are, and 
your freckles.

I will start with single words.
Copper. Spade. Luminescent
Then phrases, sentences.

[My glass-bauble soul leapt from the bed!
D'ja catch that?]

Then poems,
Then stories,
rambles. Brambles.

You gave a woop, and I roared terrifically back,

So I’ll start here.


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Marx in City Parks While She's in Paradiso

One could deduce the rate of soul-
flow through the machine,
were one so clever.


The tempo is 17th and Market.

Here and there something horrible beats
inside a human chest.

We're aware that something horrible beats
inside a human chest.

I'm here, still;
A dynamo,
Your off
Being off
Warm -

You can spend a lifetime here underground.
Eyes down here are sharp. Adapted for

This Guy-At-Precisely-3-O'clock.
He's gotta 
Dusty dusty shag carpet cough, and
Leaning farther in the seat then there's
         to sit.

You'll never deep enough, dude;
The nails won't scratch that deep!
The throat.
Soon enough
Your head won't lift again.  All of it.
It'll all slide
To the corners of mouths
Where't'll pool cocoa green
And your teeth will rot
Moss fuzz and
You won't

Ah my fellow fellow!
Something horrible awaits, under the split-flap clock,
If you've got the time to sink that far!
You wait.


I want

Who sleeps through Paradise?  And can green,
Green even green 
At all?

And Love,
When you return from scouring the globe for Eden,

I know
You'll return
With news that fruit is hand-picked and hegemony-free somewhere we can really be!

Without clocks
Falling on our heads
Forever and ever,


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Unemployment Pome

I. Without
A story below the silent window
with the “X”s in tape,
each of six panes, an “X” in packing-tape -
shatter-proof -
God, sick,
on full-time bourbon,
toiling alone:

Take That!
Take This!
Take That!

The conviction impresses no one.
A child launches an apple as high as she can.

Below the clouds are shoulders,
who swear have never been massaged;
licking the corners of mouths,
pissing in the corners you'll lean
waiting for trains.

Somewhere lustrous, Subway trudges, dumbly
smoking his last cigarette,
his unfamiliar feet spill
from scarecrow legs.
and the strand won't break.
A bungee about his neck secures him to the grid of clouds
His breath could kill a hamster
or a subway mouse.

Seeing that I wore a handsome November
and freshly shaved,
you asked me,
Can you spare anything?”
And as December lurked,
and as there was no job in the pit
of my stomach, I spit
on you and
traipsed on.

And you ticked forward
despite days upon weeks of tomorrow
clogging the mechanism
sticking the gears
yesterday's muck

II. Within

the coffee's only warm,
the mug is second-hand – the drinker: handsome,
it's chipped a bit on the lip
and would spoon the tongue nicely
if the breaking bubbles
would stop
sending impulses across its face
like skittering insects.

it should shatter,
the mop 'n broom, lazing about the corner,
should hop to life,
and the handsome drinker should be served another.